Complexity of Algorithms

Quantum Algorithms:

Designing Quantum Algorithms:

  1. Understand the problem, the input and output requirements.
  2. Convert the inputs and outputs to quantum states
  3. Design an efficient circuit which would convert the input quantum state to output quantum state.

Measuring effectiveness of algorithm:

  1. Accuracy: Determines how close is the estimated output is to the desired output. QA is highly probabilistic and hence is suitable for probabilistic, heuristic and approximate problems.
  2. Efficiency: The quickness of the algorithm to solve the problem with less resource. This is often measured using Big-O notations.

Big O notation


Note: While calculating Big-O we:

  1. Set all constants to 1 (.i.e we ignore them)
  2. Keep the highest power alone

P and NP problems:


  1. P-problems can be solved efficiently with polynomial Big-O.
  2. NP-problems can be checked efficiently with polynomial Big-O.
  3. NP-hard: One of the most difficult problems


Quantum complexity theory states that some problems of NP can be solved which are called as BQP problems.

Quantum Oracle

An oracle is a part of an algorithm that can perform specific computation for free. The trade-off is that we cannot know how they do it. The approach of Oracle is called as ‘black-box’ but they always return accurate output.

In case of quantum oracle, it takes Quantum states as inputs and gives output as a quantum state. Quantum Oracle can be implemented using Quantum circuit.